by | Jan 17, 2020 | My New Home

Caramel and Fluffy are sisters, approximately 3 years old.  Their owner is moving to a flat and is unable to take them with her.  Although both guinea pigs are healthy, Caramel has a uterine tumour which she has probably had for some time.  The good news, however, is that, strangely enough, uterine tumours in female guinea pigs are often not terminal – I have seen a great many females with this diagnosis and they have gone on to live their full lifespan.  A small minority have gone on to develop problems due to the tumour pressing on a vital organ, but most seem to be able to live with the condition without any problems at all.  Caramel is lively, opinionated and entertaining so if we can find an understanding home for this pair I think they will prove to be excellent pets.

In view of Caramel’s issue, a donation would only be required for Fluffy (£10), the emphasis being to find the pair a kind, loving and forever home.

UPDATE by new owner:

Dear Mairwen,
An up date on how things are going.
Fluffy and Caramel have been with us a week and have now met our four year old guinea pig Brownie. We got Brownie and her friend Star from Cottontail Rescue last March but sadly Star died and Brownie has been a bit lonely. As a single guinea pig Brownie has become quite a character and after gradually being introduced to Fluffy and Caramel they are all getting on very well.
Fluffy was a little scared when she arrived but has now settled down and has become more confident every day. Caramel is full of life and we are always wondering what she will get up to next. Fluffy’s calm, quiet temperament and Caramel’s easy going and energetic nature have meant that Brownie has had her ‘I’m in charge’ hat on from the start and has been busy organising them. Feeding time works well too as Brownie likes lots of cucumber while Fluffy and Caramel seem to like lettuce and celery better. They all are having great fun being in the run on the lawn, playing in tunnels and chewing things. But most of all they all seem so happy being together and we are enjoying having them.
Thank you Mairwen.
In the photographs Brownie is light tan and dark grey, Fluffy white and sand and Caramel darker brown colours.



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