Mabel is almost exactly 1 year old and is neutered and fully vaccinated. She was a house rabbit until a change of circumstances resulted in her living outside. She has arrived here to find a new home, hopefully as a friend for a neutered male. She weighs 2.67kg so is on the larger side of medium. She is in excellent condition. The bald patches you may spot on her ears in the film below are the result of the vet shaving the fur to allow for various procedures during her spay and recovery.
UPDATE by new owner:
Hi Mairwen,
I wanted to let you know that Mabel has settled in very well, her and Trigger seem to get along through the bars and are grooming every now and then. She’s been running around and flopping all over the house.
Thank you,
I thought I’d send you an update on how Mabel is getting on. She settled in very quickly and loves having the space to zoom all around the house. Her and Trigger lived in pens next to each other for four weeks but eating their veg together and over the past week they have moved in together. Now happily bonded and running around everywhere together. She loves cuddles, still a bit crazy when it comes to food and loves Trigger a lot. She is definitely the submissive one but they clearly love having each other around and the bonding process was quite simple due to this. She is a chunky bunny still but has lost a little weight (just lots of hair). Trigger has always been a bit of a grumpy boy but he seems so much happier now that he has a friend and I’m very grateful to have found Mabel for him.
Thank you,
