Poppy was originally bought by her previous owner as a sibling pair (two sisters), until a litter arrived and then the sister was found to be a brother! The litter sadly died and the pair were brought in for rehoming. After neutering and vaccinating, her brother Fernando (listed separately) found a home as a friend for a neutered female, and Poppy found a lovely new home as a friend for a neutered male. Here is an update by Poppy’s new owner:
Just an update on ‘Poppy’ which I hope you can add to your ‘my new home’ page on your website.
We have just finished their new kennel/run shown in the pictures which they both are enjoying. They have a grass run also which we are hoping to attach soon by a run around system.
Poppy and Oreo have bonded well and are good company for each other which is lovely to see. Poppy has been getting more used to us and is a bit easier to handle now that she is less nervous. She has even been happily lying stretched right out totally relaxed! She loves her green tunnel and runs through it at speed in the grass run. She also loves sitting in the doorway of her new home watching the world go by! My daughter Anna has also been loving all the extra time she is getting to spend with them at the moment due to not being in school!
Hope you are well
Further update:
Just some photos of Poppy from Cottontails with Oreo that I thought you might enjoy to see. They are inseparable. My daughter has built up a really good bond with her. We now have 7 small animals, also got rescue guinea pigs!! Another one joined us in the summer! Anna my daughter has just been accepted onto an animal management course from September 2021!
Hope all is well with you