Information & Resource Centre

CottonTails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue > Information & Resource Centre

Health and Welfare

Subpages: 21
RABBITS - common problems, illnesses and conditions

RABBITS - common problems, illnesses and conditions

Everything you need to know about rabbit illnesses, common problems and general health can be found here, presented in an easy-to-follow format, and illustrated throughout with photos and film clips.
REX RABBITS - a very special breed

REX RABBITS - a very special breed

Rex rabbits are special, as anyone who has owned such a creature will tell you. Their luxurious soft fur is utterly beautiful, but ironically the same chrematistic can cause health issues. This article examines the rex rabbit, how to care for them, and how to prevent problems before they become serious.
SEXING YOUR RABBIT - a simple guide to getting it right

SEXING YOUR RABBIT - a simple guide to getting it right

Having your rabbit correctly sexed is essential, especially if they are to live with another rabbit.  Sexing young rabbits is not easy, and it is very common for people to make mistakes – even vets have been known to get it wrong!  This article explains in detail how to correctly sex your rabbit, and the pitfalls to avoid to ensure success.
RABBIT CARE - the basics and more

RABBIT CARE - the basics and more

Everything you need to know about rabbit care and welfare can be found here, presented in an easy to follow format and illustrated throughout with photos and film clips.
BONDING Bunnies - how to match your rabbit

BONDING Bunnies - how to match your rabbit

Bonding rabbits can be stressful to all concerned, and in this article you will find all the information you need to increase your chances of successfully finding a friend for your rabbit. Illustrated throughout with photos and film clips.


This article examines the topic of unplanned rabbit litters, the many reasons why this phenomenon is so common, and how to prevent your pet from becoming another similar statistic.
GUINEA PIG Care - everything you should know

GUINEA PIG Care - everything you should know

You will find here absolutely everything you need to know about guinea pigs, their care, welfare, health issues and lots more. Illustrated throughout with photos and film clips.
HOUSE RABBITS - how to manage

HOUSE RABBITS - how to manage

House rabbits are not suitable for everyone, and here we examine the pros and cons of house bunnies, with useful advice on what you need to consider before committing to this often life-changing decision. We examine the essentials to give you the best chance of success.
AGGRESSIVE Rabbits, how to cope

AGGRESSIVE Rabbits, how to cope

Aggressive rabbits are not a laughing matter, and this article explains what is going on and gives advice on how to manage a rabbit that lunges, bites or attacks and what options are available to help you cope.
WET TAIL in Rabbits - Urine Scalding

WET TAIL in Rabbits - Urine Scalding

There can be several causes for a rabbit becoming wet around its tail area. This article advises on how to prevent and treat this distressing condition.
FEAR IN RABBITS - helping them to deal with stress

FEAR IN RABBITS - helping them to deal with stress

Rabbits vary a lot in how they deal with new and stressful situations, and this article looks at why this fear response is significant in some individuals, and what can be done to help them cope.
PREMATURE DEATH in Rabbits - causes and prevention

PREMATURE DEATH in Rabbits - causes and prevention

Losing a much-loved pet bunny at any age can be a distressing experience.  Premature death in rabbits is discussed fully in this article.
STRESS BONDING - what does it mean?

STRESS BONDING - what does it mean?

Whilst rabbits can be bonded using various methods, some are more stressful them others. In this article, we examine what stress bonding is about and how it can be used in some circumstances to assist the bonding process.
INFANTICIDE - mutilation of new-borns

INFANTICIDE - mutilation of new-borns

Infanticide in rabbits is usually a result of Mum getting carried away with her enthusiasm whilst cleaning her newborns, and although only a small minority of rabbits engage in this activity, the topic warrants discussion and this article examines the causes.
HEALTH CHECK for Newly Arrived Rabbits

HEALTH CHECK for Newly Arrived Rabbits

Whether a pet owner, breeder or rescue centre worker, the arrival of new rabbits brings with it various potential problems and risks. This article discusses how to spot basic problems and what steps to take to prevent disease from being brought in.
RABBIT GROUPS - when a litter is born

RABBIT GROUPS - when a litter is born

When one litter or more are born within a rabbit group, this can present a whole host of problems. This article examines the pitfalls and what can be done to ensure the successful survival of the newborns.
BIOSECURITY- taking sensible precautions

BIOSECURITY- taking sensible precautions

Biosecurity applies to pet owners and commercial premises alike. This article discusses the importance of managing risks to reduce the introduction and spread of infectious diseases, whether you own one little pet bunny or many.
DENTAL DISEASE IN RABBITS - issues with teeth

DENTAL DISEASE IN RABBITS - issues with teeth

It can come as a surprise to owners to discover that their seemingly healthy pet rabbit has developed dental disease. In this article we examine what can be done to prevent or treat dental disease in rabbits, starting with a summary of what dental disease involves.
GUT STASIS in Rabbits

GUT STASIS in Rabbits

Gut stasis in rabbits is often fatal, especially as the seriousness of this devastating condition is often only apparent once it is already too late. This article examines what gut stasis is, and what can be done to prevent it as well as how to treat it.


The hand-rearing of baby rabbits is rarely successful if you have not done it before. This article examines why this is so, and how to give orphaned babies the best chance of survival.
GROOMING Rabbits and Guinea Pigs

GROOMING Rabbits and Guinea Pigs

How to successfully groom long haired or fluffy rabbits and guinea pigs, with illustrated tips on techniques to keep the fur neat, tidy and knot-free.


Discussion of why owners choose certain characteristics and avoid others when choosing their pet rabbit. The factors involved, possible explanations, and how the findings can be utilised by rabbit rescue centres to their advantage.
NEUTERING - a study

NEUTERING - a study

Neutering your rabbit can be a daunting but very necessary procedure, and this article includes tips to help your rabbit through the process to ensure a healthy recovery.
REHOMING - A National Study

REHOMING - A National Study

Pets are rehomed for many reasons, and rabbits are no exception. This study examines the main reasons why owners have given up their pets, and what we can learn from this to decrease rehoming statistics in the future.


Adoption criteria and details about our free Direct Rehoming Service for rabbits and guinea pigs are included here, together with relevant links to corresponding articles.


The latest Annual Report for CottonTails Rescue, registered charity, detailing how the charity has performed during the previous year.
BABY BUN - her story

BABY BUN - her story

A heartwarming and uplifting story about the successful treatment of a baby wild bunny and her reintroduction back into the wild. Well worth a read.
BUNNY TALES - anecdotes and stories

BUNNY TALES - anecdotes and stories

This article contains entertaining, touching and sometimes inspiring stories of owners' experiences of their pet rabbits. Well worth a read.


Rescue centre and veterinary staff are at high risk of developing compassion fatigue and burnout, and this article discusses what this is all about and how it can be minimised or prevented.
COVID - coping with sudden catastrophy

COVID - coping with sudden catastrophy

We examine here the devastating effects that Covid had on rescue centres and how their temporary closure stopped the movement of animals in or out, with devastating effects.
FOSTERING RABBITS and guinea pigs - what you need to know

FOSTERING RABBITS and guinea pigs - what you need to know

This article examines the relevance and importance of fostering to animal rescue work in general.
HARE IN THE HOUSE - successful hand-rearing of a Hare

HARE IN THE HOUSE - successful hand-rearing of a Hare

The touching story of Bambi, a brown hare, hand reared from 1 day old. Packed full of interesting and essential information about brown hares and their successful hand-rearing.
HOW IT ALL BEGAN - the story behind CottonTails

HOW IT ALL BEGAN - the story behind CottonTails

The influences that led me to set up CottonTails in 1993 are presented in this interesting short article.
ON THE MOVE - tips on relocation

ON THE MOVE - tips on relocation

Read on for an entertaining account of how we coped with moving the whole rescue centre to a new location, not once but three times.
RABBIT WELFARE - changes over the years

RABBIT WELFARE - changes over the years

We discuss here how the changes and advances over the years have altered the very essence of rabbit rescue, and what we can learn for the future.
THANK YOU - my chance to give appreciation

THANK YOU - my chance to give appreciation

This is my opportunity to thank the many people involved in making CottonTails the successful charity that it is today. Read on to find out more.


A fascinating history of CottonTails told in the form of press clippings, TV appearances, general PR and more.
PRE-PURCHASE rabbit basics, before you buy ...

PRE-PURCHASE rabbit basics, before you buy ...

Here we lay out 16 things you need to know before bringing your new pet rabbit home - essential reading for all new rabbit owners or those that have not kept rabbits for a while.
HELPING CottonTails - donations, gift aid and more

HELPING CottonTails - donations, gift aid and more

You will find various topics here ranging from how to enhance your donation by using gift aid, nominating CottonTails for fund-raising schemes when you make online purchases
TOPICAL TIPS - seasonal advice

TOPICAL TIPS - seasonal advice

Lots of interesting and useful tips that will help you care for your rabbits all year round, no matter what the season.
REHOMING YOUR RABBIT - essential information

REHOMING YOUR RABBIT - essential information

Rehoming your rabbit or guinea pig can be an upsetting process. We now offer a free Direct Rehoming Service, which keeps stress to a minimum by enabling the pet to stay with the owner throughout. Read on to find out more.


Essential information, advice and facts that will help you make a success of starting your own rabbit rescue and avoid common mistakes
VETS - how to choose

VETS - how to choose

Choosing the best veterinary practice for your rabbit or guinea pig is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your pet gets the best possible care when it is needed most

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